Paapa Kwesi Quansah

Machine Learning Researcher


Microprocessors (COE 381)

In this microprocessors course, you'll dive into the core concepts of microprocessor technology. You'll learn about microprocessor architecture, assembly language programming, memory management, and more. You'll build a personalized microprocessor and simulate it.

Date Recorded: Winter 2022

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Computer Networking (COE 475)

In this course, you'll explore the intricacies of computer networks. You'll learn how data moves across the internet, the protocols that govern these exchanges, and how to design and secure networks.

Date Recorded: Winter 2023

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Digital Computer Design (COE 382)

In this course, you'll delve deep into the intricacies of designing digital circuits and processors. You'll learn how to create the brains of computers, understand the architecture of CPUs, and even design your own digital systems. It's like becoming the architect of the future of computing. From logic gates to microarchitecture, this course equips you with the skills to bring digital dreams to life. You'll also learn how to interface your own personalized peripherals to your CPU.

Date Recorded: Fall 2022

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Linear Electronic Circuits (EE 371)

In this course, you'll explore the magic of electronic circuits. You'll dive into concepts like amplifiers, filters, and signal processing, discovering how to manipulate electronic signals for various applications.

Date Recorded: Winter 2022

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Power Systems Operation and Control (EE 467)

Explore the intricacies of Power Systems Operation and Control in this course. You'll learn about grid management, renewable integration, and future trends. It's ideal for engineers, energy professionals, and those interested in the evolving energy landscape.

Date Recorded: Winter 2023

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Website adapted from Cassidy Williams with permission.